Research project

QT-FLUO Quantum Transition - metal FLUOrides (DFM.AD003.444)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Materiali innovativi (DFM.AD003)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institutes for complex systems (ISC)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 064991495


The chemical fact that fluorine can render silver magnetic, similar to their periodic table neighbours oxygen and copper in CuO, suggests a proximity of silver fluorides to copper oxides. Indeed, recent experimental and theoretical studies have shown that AgF2 shares remarkable similarities with parent compounds of CuO based superconductors, paving the way to new high-Tc superconductors, yet to be disclosed, and exotic quantum magnetism, both with the addition of important spin-orbit effects.
The project is a theory experimental collaboration to develop these new materials


The main objective of the project is to establish transition metal fluorides (TMF) as a new platform for collective quantum phenomena profiting from the excellent past performance on cuprates.

Start date of activity



silver fluorides, superconduttività, heterostructures

Last update: 04/05/2024