Research project

EOTiST (DIT.AD012.121)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Tecnologie per l'Aerospazio e l'Osservazione della Terra (DIT.AD012)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for applied mathematics "Mauro Picone" (IAC)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 0805929749


EOTiST aims to enhance the S&T capacity of the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CBK PAN) and to achieve excellence in research of EO products' assimilation in the ecosystem assessment and monitoring
by starting close collaboration with 3 European centres of excellence: CERTH, CREAF, CNR. Specific goals are to be pursued: 1) Enhance S&T capacity of the coordinating institution. 2)Upgrade research profile of the CBK PAN and the profile of its staff by mobilizing and training of personnel. 3) Increase research excellence and stimulate innovation of the coordinating institution. EOTiST will build on CNR, CREAF and CERTH excellence and their networks to advance CBK PAN research and innovation performance transfer and exchange of best practices. 4) Promote the involvement of early stage researchers in the CBK PAN. 5) Develop joint research initiatives and projects. 6) Enhance CBK PAN management skills.


1) Enhance S&T capacity of the coordinating institution. 2) Upgrade research profile of the CBK PAN and the profile of its staff by mobilizing and training of personnel. Key training actions include workshops, staff visits, and on-line courses and target PhD students, early stage researchers, postdoctoral students, researchers and administrative staff. 3)Increase research excellence and stimulate innovation of the coordinating institution. EOTiST will build on CNR, CREAF and CERTH excellence and their networks to advance CBK PAN research and innovation performance through knowledge transfer and exchange of best practices. 4)Achieve sustainable progress and future development for the today's seed group in CBK PAN. The partners will develop a strategic partnership based on reinforced dialogue and consultation. EOTiST will explore collaboration chances with local stakeholders and perform a market and product feasibility analysis to introduce new products/technologies within Poland. 5) Promote the involvement of early stage researchers in the CBK PAN. 5)Develop joint research initiatives and projects. 6) Enhance CBK PAN management skills

Start date of activity



Earth Observations, Ecological modeling, Capacity building

Last update: 03/05/2024