MILEDI Migliore (DFM.AD004.262)
Thematic area
Physical sciences and technologies of matter
Project area
Sistemi e materiali complessi, materia soffice, biofisica e reti (DFM.AD004)Structure responsible for the research project
Project manager
Phone number: +39-091-6809315
In this proposal, we will develop a new multi-scale (integrated molecular, cellular and network levels) data-driven in silico model of the hippocampal CA1 region under AD conditions, with the main objectives being: 1) to extend the experimental evidence of Ah, Ab, AICD-related changes in the properties of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neuron synaptic plasticity, synaptic signal integration and neuronal excitability; 2) to incorporate the dose-dependent effects of AD-related peptides into computational models of hippocampal synaptic plasticity, CA1 pyramidal neurons and CA1 network; determine and explain the molecular, synaptic, cellular, network-level mechanisms of altered hippocampal function that leads to impaired learning and progressive irreversible memory loss in AD; 3) to identify and assess experimentally and by computational modeling potential targets for innovative treatment of AD.
Start date of activity
Alzheimer's Disease, Modeling, Hippocampus
Last update: 14/01/2025