Research project

PRIN 2017 - 2017P9FJBS_001 sANVITTO DANIELE - Interacting Photons in Polariton Circuits (INPhoPOL) (DFM.AD005.264)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of Nanotechnology (NANOTEC)

Project manager

Phone number: 3200116964


In solid state, so-called "polaritons", a mixture of electronic and photonic excitations, realize a promising hybrid scenario in which the photonic light-mass is merged with the strong material excitations nonlinearities, giving rise to interacting bosons in a semiconductor chip. Within INPhoPOL we will perform the first quantum dynamics studies of single to few polariton quanta in patterned circuits. As targeted objectives, besides assesing polaritonic interactions in the quantum regime, we will realize the single-polariton blockade, the polaritonic Hong-Ou-Mandel effect, finally culminating with the first demonstration of a polaritonic CNOT quantum gate, which would result in a breakthrough, with strong advantages with respect to similar functionalities implemented with atomic gases at ultra-low temperatures.


O1: Material optimization for single-polariton interactions. his part of the project will benefit from the NANOTEC facilities at CNR-LE. Besides III-V semiconductors, new classes of materials will be addressed, such as single crystal 2D hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites and 2D transition metal dichalcogenides which we have recently demonstrated to possess interactions close to the III-V semiconductors.
O2: Photon-polariton conversion. it is paramount to find the best source for the generation of quantum photonic states on-chip, which would also provide for a high efficiency of extraction, as well as a good repetition rate. This goal is hereby targeted by interfacing an external source of multi-photon quantum state (which will strongly benefit from the expertise and skills at UniNA) with the propagating polaritons on-chip.
O3: Quantum simulations. INPhoPOL ultimately aims at more elaborate and complex experiments culminating with the observation of the nonlinear Boson sampling and the demonstration of a CZ-gate.

Start date of activity



Polaritons, quantum optics, quantum computation

Last update: 05/05/2024