Research project

InnovaConcrete - Innovative materials and techniques for the conservation of 20th century concrete-based cultural heritage (DCM.AD009.002)

Thematic area

Chemical sciences and materials technology

Project area

Applicazioni della chimica ai beni culturali (DCM.AD009)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of nanostructured materials (ISMN)

Other structures collaborating in the research project

Project manager

Phone number: 06-90672214


InnovaConcrete is an innovative and ambitious proposal that aims at preserving concrete-based monuments, the most significant tangible Cultural Heritage (CH) in the 20th Century. To achieve this goal, we have recruited an interdisciplinary team presenting a strong scientific background in simulation techniques and nanomaterials synthesis, combined with a wide
knowledge of CH conservation from Humanities disciplines and, a sound industrial perspective. Specifically, a completely innovative approach based on producing C-S-H gel, responsible for the engineering properties of cement paste in cracks of decayed concrete monument, in situ, will be developed. Complementary, other innovative solutions giving rise to superhydrophobicity and corrosion inhibition will be also investigated. In addition, InnovaConcrete will explore an approach based on biotechnology: enzyme-assisted self-healing of damaged surfaces. The optimization of the solutions proposed will be carried out by the use of theoretical tools (multi-scale modelling approaches) together with experimental tools (laboratory
and in situ validation).

Start date of activity



historic concrete, corrosion inhibitors, CSH gel

Last update: 13/02/2025