Research project


Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Fotonica: dai processi fisici ai componenti e sistemi e relative applicazioni (DFM.AD005)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for photonics and nanotechnologies (IFN)

Project manager

Phone number: 049-9817786


Electron motion and electron correlation are among the basic processes in nature and play a fundamental role in a complex variety of phenomena such as chemical bond formation and superconductivity. Until the last years, tracking in time the correlated electronic motion has been beyond the experimental capabilities due to the extremely rapid timescale (from tens to hundreds of attoseconds 1as=10-18 s) typical of its evolution; recently single attosecond pulses (SAP) have been achieved by controlling the electric field of intense few-cycle infrared field and applied for the first time to time resolved experiments. However, the low intensity achievable using this SAP limits their application to simple systems and several fundamental attosecond dynamics are still out of reach. To overcome this limitation, I propose to develop a high energy few-cycle pulses system with an attosecond beam line for generation of intense SAP and broadband single attosecond electron wavepacket (SAEW). The combination of SAP and SAEW offers a wide possibility for exciting and monitoring electron dynamics.


Single Electron Recollision for intense Attosecond Pulses and Investigation of the Dynamics of Electron wavepackets

Start date of activity



ultrafast pulses, high-order harmonics, attosecond pump-probe experiments

Last update: 02/05/2024