
IBISBA-IT meets in Naples to showcase the projects of the first national access call and reaffirm the support of MUR



On May 3rd (2023), the Institute of Bioscience and BioResources of Naples (IBBR-UOS Napoli) organized the meeting of the Italian national node IBISBA-IT which took place on the occasion of the IBISBA Spring meeting held during the week.

IBISBA-IT ( is the first Italian Research Infrastructure (RI) for industrial biotechnology that uses modern scientific approaches, including 'omics' sciences, bioinformatics, molecular engineering, and bioreactor technologies, to develop new enzymes, proteins, biotransformations, and bioprocesses. The infrastructure is made up of ten partners, including four DiSBA-afferent Cnr institutes (Cnr-Ibbr Uos Napoli, Cnr-Ispaam, Cnr-Isa and Cnr-Ibba), five Universities (University of Naples, University of Bologna, University of Insubria, University of Milano Bicocca, University of Tuscia) and the FIIRV foundation.

After the customary opening greetings by the chair Prof. Marco Moracci (UNINA), Dr. Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano, researcher at the Cnr Institute of Bioscience and BioResources of Naples and Coordinator of the Italian node, introduced IBISBA-IT and commented: “IBISBA-IT is on the Italian Roadmap of high-priority RIs and has received funding from the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) since 2019. Currently, the infrastructure is involved in two nationally funded projects: REPLAY (REconnecting PLAstics life cycle to biogeochemical cycles by sustainable hydrolysis and Yeasts fermentation) and ITINERIS (ITalian INtegrated Environment Research Infrastructure System)”.

REPLAY is a Research Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN) coordinated by Prof. Paola Branduardi (UNIMIB) and developed in collaboration with UNINA (Prof. Marco Moracci) and UNIBA (Prof. Gennaro Agrimi). The project aims to convert PET into organic acids using yeasts and synthetic biology, biochemical and bioprocess engineering.

ITINERIS is funded by the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (PNRR) and aims to build the Italian Hub of RIs in the environmental scientific domain to observe and study environmental processes in the atmosphere, marine domain, terrestrial biosphere, and geosphere. The project is coordinated by Dr Gelsomina Pappalardo (Cnr-Imaa), involves 22 Italian RIs and has received funds for over €155 million, with €5 million allocated to IBISBA-IT. 

The event also showcased research projects selected within the first IBISBA-IT national access call launched for Cnr applicants to gain funded access to the infrastructure services. The infrastructure users Dr. Mariaelena Di Biase (Cnr-Ispa), Dr. Francesco Gai (Cnr-Ispa), Dr. Mariacecilia Pasini (Cnr-Scitec) and Dr. Maria Elena Russo (Cnr-Stems) illustrated the impact and the scientific and technological excellence of their projects.

On a political note, the meeting boasted the extraordinary participation of Dr. Michael O'Donohue, European Coordinator of IBISBA (, who exposed the current status of the EU-IBISBA and commented: “I am truly impressed by all of the foundational work done. The Italian Node is organised, operational and growing”. On the hand, honorary guest Dr. Mauro Bertelletti (MUR), remarked on the ministry's solid support for IBISBA-IT: “IBISBA is a high priority for Italy”.

Per informazioni:
Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano
Via P. Castellino 111 - 80131 Napoli
Meeting organizers Cnr: Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano, Mauro Di Fenza, Federica De Lise, Luisa Maurelli. UNINA: Marco Moracci, Nikolas Masourakis, Roberta Iacono, Andrea Strazzulli.
Sponsored by DiSBA

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