Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth (IRCRES)

Research activities

Projects and Activities:
PBIS - Economic management of agricultural, forest, and marine resources
BERD FLOWS-Internationalisation of business expenditures on R&D and analysis of their economic impact
PREF-Analysis of national public research funding, by theme and by type of allocation
Policies for University and Research
Analysis of sectors, clusters, and production chains
Organizational and local development and multidisciplinarity
Energy, environment, and technological innovation
Evaluation of public policies
Innovation for technology transfer
Cultural heritage
RISIS-Research infrastructure for research and innovation policy studies
IMPACT-EV "Evaluating the impact of outcomes of European SSH research"
UNIVERSITIES ENGAGEMENT-An analysis of the role and engagement of universities with regards to participation in the Framework Programmes"
GISI - Economic observatory of companies operating in instrumentation and industrial process and laboratory automation

Projects with other Institutes:
Benthic ecosystem fisheries Impact Study (BENTHIS) - IRCRES
RITMARE - project
Bilateral agreement calls MOLDOVA - ASM