
Zero pollution- ecotoxicology for safe and sustainable remediation

Il 22/09/2023 ore 09.00 - 13.00

RemTech Europe Conference
Ferrara Fiere (White Room, first floor)

Do not miss the Workshop organized by Italian Language Branch of the Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry SETAC ILB): it will be held on Friday 22nd September 2023 9:00-13:00 CEST at the RemTech Europe Conference (Ferrara Fiere, IT, White Room, first floor).

Reserve your free seat here https://forms.gle/1ksMzK6w83arVCc5A

This free half-day workshop organized by the SETAC Italian Language Branch is on the key role played by ecotoxicology in the hazard assessment of polluted or treated environmental matrices along with efficiency, sustainability and environmental safety of current and future remediation techniques. New challenges associated with emerging pollutants and complex mixtures remediation either in soil and water require complementary tools to enhance assessment methods and validate remediation techniques efficiency.

The workshop would like to promote knowledge on ecotoxicology used with the aim of restoring contaminated environments, sharing them in different environmental sectors, including consultants, regulatory agencies, industry, and academia with a common goal as the implementation of environmental policy and management in the field of safe and sustainable remediation.

Free of charge registration for Academia, Governance and general public.

For private companies please visit the RemTech web site.


Ilaria Corsi (President of the SETAC ILB), Paola Grenni (External Advisor of the SETAC IB), Sabine Apitz (Editor in Chief of the SETAC journal Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management), Peter Benhish (BDS, The Netherlands); John Pitchel (Ball State University, USA).

Organizzato da:
RemTech Europe
SETAC ILB: Cnr-Irsa, Università di Siena Corteva

Referente organizzativo:
Paola Grenni

Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito

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