Progetto di ricerca

VE_KIOST 2021 (DTA.AD003.662)

Area tematica

Scienze del sistema Terra e tecnologie per l'ambiente

Area progettuale

Rischi ambientali, naturali e antropici (DTA.AD003)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di scienze marine (ISMAR)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: +39 041 2407952


Reliable predictions of oceanic waves under tropical cyclone winds have always been foremost for offshore design and operation, coastal hazards, and navigation safety. Reliable wave forecasts and hindcasts, together with long-term statistical analysis of extreme conditions, are then of utmost importance for monitoring marine areas. So far, however, the wave climate characterization during cyclonic winds has focused on the bulk characterization of the significant wave height (from model and observations), but it has lacked a description of the individual extreme waves, such as the maximum ones that may occur at a given location in the sea. In this respect, the research project ASTROWAVES-3 (CHARACTERIZATION OF THE MAXIMUM OCEANIC WAVES DURING BI-MODAL SEA STATES UNDER CYCLONE WINDS) aims at improving the existing knowledge on the characterization of oceanic maximum waves (up to the rogue wave scale) during tropical cyclone and typhoon wind conditions in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea. To this end, dedicated observations, using the state-of-the-art Wave Acquisition Stereo System (WASS), and phase-resolving numerical model results will be used for the directional wave field and ext


Our current understanding of maximum oceanic waves during tropical cyclones and typhoons in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea was examined during the projects ASTROWAVES and ASTROWAVES-2. The research project ASTROWAVES-3 builds on those results to improve the current knowledge on the maximum wave occurrence under cyclonic wind conditions. To this end, we shall apply WASS to undertake accurate offshore stereo measurements of maxima and rogue waves at oceanographic facility Gageocho-ORS (Yellow Sea) that offer unique scenario for the study of air-sea interaction processes under cyclonic winds. In such facilities, dedicated WASS stereo systems have already been successfully designed, installed, and operated by researchers of KIOST, ISMAR, and UNIVE. We then aim at operating WASS to recover accurate estimations of the local spatio-temporal wave fields during extreme conditions generated by tropical cyclones. Wave data will be analyzed to provide statistical distributions of maxima and rogue crest and wave heights. At the synoptic scale, ad-hoc numerical wave model results will be used to analyze the fields of maximum waves. Moreover, to extend the surface area used for extreme assessm

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

Onde estreme, cicloni, spettro d'onda

Ultimo aggiornamento: 07/05/2024