Progetto di ricerca

OPEN MODEL "Integrated Open Access Materials Modelling Innovation Platform for Europe" (DFM.AD006.216)

Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Infrastrutture di ricerca , strumentazione avanzata e nuove metodologie sperimentali e di calcolo (DFM.AD006)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto Nanoscienze (NANO)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0592055311


OpenModel provides an integrated open access material modelling platform designed to be easily integrated with, and usable by, any existing and future EU platforms, e.g., Open Translation Environments (OTE), Materials Modelling Market Places (MMMP), Innovation Test Beds (ITB), and Business Decision Support Systems (BDSS). Furthermore, OpenModel integrates with Life Cycle Analysis as well as the "plug and produce" and characterization open innovation environments to enable better integration of characterization and processing into materials modelling workflows. The OpenModel platform directly addresses the needs of industry for creating and executing standardised advanced materialsmodelling workflows


OpenModel provides an integrated open access material modelling platform designed to be easily integrated with, and usable by, any existing and future EU platforms, e.g., Open Translation Environments (OTE), Materials Modelling Market Places (MMMP), Innovation Test Beds (ITB), and Business Decision Support Systems (BDSS). Furthermore, OpenModel integrates with Life Cycle Analysis as well as the "plug and produce" and characterization open innovation environments to enable better integration of characterization and processing into materials modelling workflows. The OpenModel platform directly addresses the needs of industry for creating and executing standardised advanced materialsmodelling workflows

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Ultimo aggiornamento: 10/12/2024