Progetto di ricerca

BeMAGIC - Magnetoelectrics Beyond 2020: A Training Programme on Energy-Efficient Magnetoelectric Nanomaterials for Advanced Information and Healthcare Technologies - (DFM.AD002.097)

Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Scienze e tecnologie quantistiche (DFM.AD002)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto superconduttori, materiali innovativi e dispositivi (SPIN)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 3397936993


BeMAGIC is a highly interdisciplinary venture whose primary aim is the training of young researchers in the utilization of magnetoelectric (ME) nanomaterials to face important societal challenges linked to energy-efficiency, data security and health. The Network encompasses the design, synthesis, characterization and integration of ME materials into a variety of applications that share in common the combined action of electric and magnetic fields: advanced security systems, lowpower data storage, spintronic/magnonic devices, electric-field assisted anti-cancer drug delivery, and deep neural stimulation. Studying these technological domains in parallel accelerates progress in each individual field because there are cross-cutting synergistic challenges and potential cross-fertilization. Special efforts are devoted to bridge basic science with system prototyping, covering several Key Enabling Technologies of Horizon 2020. The Consortium brings together 13 Beneficiaries and 11 Partner Organizations. The complementarities among partners renders a high-level, multifaceted educational programme in which world-class research is combined with unique training opportunities in soft skills.


Objectives are:
1) To design/screen suitable magnetoelectric (ME) materials using first-principles calculations and undertake fundamental studies to shed light on new ME actuation mechanisms;
2) To optimize the synthesis/growth conditions for the various types of investigated ME nanomaterials (such as growth of multiferroic heterostructures (films, core-shell NPs) and of materials for electric surface charging and magneto-ionics;
3) To correlate the ME response with the microstructure/composition of the target materials (in terms of Structural and Magnetoelectric characterization)
4) To develop new classes of energy-efficient spintronic/magnonic devices using ME nanomaterials (such as voltage-controlled energy-efficient tunnel junctions for ME-RAM spintronic devices and use electric fields to control spin waves in energy-efficient magnonic device prototypes
5) To implement ultra-secure, anti-hacking data systems and anti-counterfeit technologies using multiferroics and magneto-ionic effects to i) investigate new biomedical therapies based on ME stimulation ii) utilize magneto-pyroelectric nanoarchitectures for anti-cancer drug delivery iii) use ME NPs for cell electrofusion.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

BeMAGIC, magnetoelectric, energy-efficiency

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/05/2024