Progetto di ricerca

Copernicus Climate Service Quality Assurance for the Climate Data Store C3S_512 (DTA.AD004.249)

Area tematica

Scienze del sistema Terra e tecnologie per l'ambiente

Area progettuale

Osservazione della Terra (DTA.AD004)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto di scienze marine (ISMAR)

Altre strutture che collaborano al progetto di ricerca

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: +390649934278


The C3S_ 512 addresses asks for the development and implementation of an EQC framework for climate projections, seasonal forecasts, reanalysis and observations (both in-situ and satellite), and the facilities available in the CDS to manipulate them, identifying the gaps that must be filled by the EQC to respond to identified user expectations. The projectl aims at developing a solution for the EQC function to respond to the needs identified in previous contracts using a continuous user-engagement process. This offer will address the challenges posed by providing:
Ï an overarching EQC service for the whole CDS
Ï an independent quality assessment for a number products (seasonal forecasts, climate projections and in-situ observations)
The evaluation and quality assessment will put at work the best expertise available on the evaluation of the multi-faceted aspects of data and product quality based on the most complete set of standards accepted by the communities involved. Surveys and other user engagement techniques will be used and analysed to provide a detailed mapping of the users and their needs


The Project aims at:
Ï assessing the fitness for purpose of all the CDS datasets via a set of seamless quality assurance templates (QATs) per dataset type and the preparation of quality assurance reports (QARs) for each dataset in the CDS, setting the minimum requirements and baseline criteria for including new products in the catalogue and providing comprehensive quality assurance information and guidance for users of the datasets and products; vocabularies and common practices will be defined in coordination with WP2 to ensure consistency
Ï providing a set of tests and assessments of the CDS toolbox from multiple angles and considering the common data model, the quality of the code and the computational methods used; the assessments will be based upon parameters from standards such as ISO 9126; use cases will be also defined as tests to address complex assessments.
Ï measuring and reporting the quality of service provided by the CDS infrastructure using a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) to estimate the technical quality of the service, the result of which will be made available via a web-dashboard.
Ï choose the most adequate options for the EQC functions

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

clima, satellite, reanalyses

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/05/2024