BioCirce is the first European Master in Bioeconomy in the Circular economy
4 Universities: University of Bologna, University of Napoli FEDERICO II, University of Milano BICOCCA, University of Torino
2 National Clusters: SPRING, CL.A.N.
4 Companies: Intesa Sanpaolo, Novamont, GF Biochemicals, PTP Science Park
This MS degree program provide skills and expertise necessary to deal with the full range of issues in this complex field.
The program welcomes students from all different backgrounds:
- Graduate scientists who want to pursue a career outside the lab;
- Social and/or business graduates who want to develop their interests in life science innovation;
- People already working in biotechnology related fields who wish to engage further.
The program includes four compulsory modules (5 Credits each) given by the four participating Universities (modules cover relevant scientific topics as well as economic and legal issues) and a 6-months stage in one company or institution.
Call is open for the fourth edition of master! Application dead-line: 15 november 2019
The master BioCirce received, on February the 12th, at the Italian Parliament, from the President of the Italian Republic, the Italiadecide (Italy decides) prize for teaching innovation.
Per informazioni:
Mauro Di Fenza
Cnr - Istituto di bioscienze e biorisorse
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