
Visit to Cnr-Iriss by Mongolia's Ambassador to Italy


The Mongolia's Ambassador to Italy, Her Excellency Tserendorj Narantungalag, with the Cnr-Iriss team
The Mongolia's Ambassador to Italy, Her Excellency Tserendorj Narantungalag, with the Cnr-Iriss team

On May 25th, 2022, the Institute for research on innovation and services for development (Iriss)  of the National Research Council of Italy was honoured of receiving the visit of the Mongolia's Ambassador to Italy, Her Excellency Tserendorj Narantungalag. 

The visit was aimed at discussing and following up the expected impacts of the EU-funded project “The 3Rs for a sustainable use of natural resources in Ulaan Bator” (3R4UB), coordinated by Iriss and developed in collaboration with the Municipality of Ulaanbaatar, the Mongolian Government Agency Fresh Water Resources and Nature Conservation Centre (FWRNCC) and Metellia Servizi, an Italian company working in the field of waste recovery and treatment.

Funded under the Switch-Asia programme, 3R4UB is a capacity-building project addressed to Mongolian line-ministries, sub-national agencies, SMEs and MSMEs and key stakeholders to promote SCP practices and improve their expertise through technical training, workshops and field visits to develop a municipal solid waste management plan oriented towards waste reduction, re-use and recycling.

Although the Government of Mongolia has undertaken a number of initiatives related to waste and the 3Rs (Reduce Reuse Recycle) at different levels, some of these have not suitably addressed the waste management problems and no overall coordinating system exists for waste management in the country. As a result, solid wastes continue to be dumped regardless of location and without any scientific treatment, with negative impacts on both the environment as well as on public health in the country.

The visit was the occasion not only to discuss with the Ambassador about the challenges and main results achieved so far by the project but also to present the National Research Council as well as the competences and research activities developed by the Cnr-Iriss. The issues discussed included: models for territorial re-balancing and social inclusion; co-design of public spaces with particular reference to accessibility and safety; eco-system services management; participatory and collaborative processes for urban regeneration; social innovation and Institutional resilience; transitional planning and Smart Specialization.

The Cnr-Iriss activities and further topics for potential collaboration with the Mongolian Government were presented by Massimo Clemente, director of the Institute, and Gabriella Esposito, senior researcher Cnr-Iriss and WP leader. The results and way forwards of the 3R4UB project were discussed by Prof. Marina Rigillo, 3R4UB scientific coordinator and Cnr-Iriss  associate, and the project staff.

The visit concluded with a private guided tour to the church of the Confraternity of the Holy Trinity (Chiesa della Santissima Trinità - Arciconfraternita della SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini) in the historic centre of Naples, surrounded by significant architectural, historical and artistic sites.






Per informazioni:
Gabriella Esposito
CNR - Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo
Via Cardinale Gugliemo Sanfelice, 8 - Napoli

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