
Glycosylation in the Golgi complex

Dal 24/10/2016 ore 18.00 al 28/10/2016 ore 13.30

Hotel Aequa Vico Equense (Napoli)

The workshop “Glycosylation in the Golgi complex” is sponsored by the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO) and deals with the intersection of membrane trafficking in the Golgi apparatus with the glycosylation function of the Golgi. This intersection we feel has long been neglected and we hope this workshop will stimulate discussions and collaborations that will lead to exciting advances in the understanding of the functioning of the Golgi apparatus.

Organizzato da:
Ibp, Cnr
Alberto Luini, IBP-CNR
Giovanni D'Angelo, IBP-CNR
Pamela Stanley, Albert Eistein College of Medicine, US

Referente organizzativo:
Raman Parashuraman
CNR - Istituto di biochimica delle proteine
Via P. Castellino, 111 80131 Napoli

Modalità di accesso: a pagamento

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