
Frontiers in Single Molecule Manipulation and Imaging of DNA-protein transactions

Il 22/01/2016 ore 14.30 - 15.30

Sala Conferenze CNR, AdR Napoli 1, Via P. Castellino, 111 80131 Napoli

Prof. Gijs Wuite’s group is part of the Physics of Living Systems Section in the faculty of Sciences at the VU University Amsterdam. The research in the group focuses on exploring DNA-proteins interactions and biophysical/biomechanical properties of viral capsids & cells. The aim is to work with increasingly more complex assemblies of proteins in order to investigate the emergent properties from these systems. This approach bridges experimental systems biology and single-molecule manipulation techniques. They use a variety of techniques such as optical tweezers, AFM and single-molecule fluorescence as well as combinations of these techniques. The data obtained are related to biochemical studies and used for theoretical modeling.

Prof. Gijs Wuite obtained his PhD in biophysics in 2000. Since 2001 he leads his own group at the VU University Amsterdam and in 2009 was appointed to full professor. In his research he has successfully applied quantitative physical tools to investigate fundamental problems in biology, and to search for the unification of apparently unrelated biological phenomena. Moreover, he has been at the front of recent new and fast developments of biophysical techniques that have enabled visualization, manipulation and control of complex biological reactions. Based on this research work he founded a company (LUMICKS) that sell the technology he and his group has developed. His work has appeared in journal such as Nature, Science, PNAS and Physical Review Letters. His research has been awarded with the prestigious personal VIDI, VICI and ERC grants. In 2009 Wuite was appointed member of the Young Academy, an independent platform of young top scientists within the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Organizzato da:
IBP, Cnr

Referente organizzativo:
Francesca M. Pisani
CNR - Istituto di biochimica delle proteine
Via P. Castellino, 111 80131 Napoli

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero