Research project


Thematic area

Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Project area

Innovazione tecnologica e metodologica a supporto dei processi di insegnamento e apprendimento (DUS.AD007)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute for educational technology (ITD)

Project manager

Phone number: 0916809204


Augmented Reality (AR) refers to the real-time digital overlay of information over physical elements. ARETE
aims to develop, integrate and disseminate interactive technology via AR methods and tools for the creation and
inter-connection of existing digital systems and to build a pan-European competitive ecosystem that supports fast
dissemination of augmented learning content to a wide audience, while strengthening the research and industrial
capacities in Europe to develop future interactive devices and content for education, taking into account accessibility
to a broader community. The ARETE project will support the existing European interactive technologies' effort
both through the exploitation of opportunities offered by multi-user interactions with AR technologies evaluated in
education in both professional and private contexts within three distinct pilot studies (STEM, English literacy skills,
Positive Behaviour Intervention). The authoring tools used within ARETE and the provision of access of the AR
content developed for the broader community of users within the EU will increase the European innovation capacity in


Objective 1: To develop and evaluate the effectiveness of an interactive AR content toolkit (linked to WP3)
ARETE will ensure that an interactive AR content toolkit will be developed for the creation of 3D objects based on
AR standards.
Objective 2: To apply human-centred interaction design for ARETE ecosystem (linked to WP4 & WP6)
ARETE will identify, update and integrate on an ongoing basis, user-based insights into designing and developing
AR content for the pilot studies.
Objective 3: To pilot and evaluate the effectiveness of AR interactive technologies (linked to WP5, WP6)
The ARETE ecosystem, which comprises of AR emerging technologies, main platform, training platform, mobile
app and a multi-lingual8 interface will be piloted. Students and EU citizens (i.e. 3000+ in EU member states) will
participate in three different pilot studies. The ecosystem will be piloted at "³-phase", focusing on assessing the
impact of the AR content within professional and private contexts (students, teachers, educational technologists).
Objective 4: To communicate, disseminate and exploit the project results (linked to WP2 & WP7)

Start date of activity



Augmented Reality, Human Computer Interaction, Multimodal

Last update: 21/05/2024