Progetto di ricerca

Idruri come anodi ad alta capacità per batterie litio-ione (DFM.AD003.117)

Area tematica

Scienze fisiche e tecnologie della materia

Area progettuale

Materiali innovativi (DFM.AD003)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto dei sistemi complessi (ISC)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: 0971205455


The ambition of this project is to pursue an effective and unique knowledge-driven breakthrough in Li-ion technologies by developing the revolutionary concept of a lithium-ion/metal-hydride battery, thus changing the usual concept of a rechargeable Li-ion electrochemical cell. This innovation has the potential to overcome both safety and performance limitations of the current state-of-the-art Li-ion technologies. Indeed the exploitation in negative electrodes of metal hydride conversion reactions to give LiH, instead standard intercalation or alloying processes, can potentially unlock outstanding improvements both in the energy levels and in the battery safety.
The final grand target of this project is to develop a prototype of a complete Li-ion cell with an hydride-conversion reaction (HCR) anode, a cathode material and a liquid electrolyte, able to give prolonged galvanostatic cycling with improved performances compared to graphite. The achievement of this target can potentially open the door to a technology capable to support a massive commercialization of "green cars".


L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di caratterizzare materiali innovativi a base di idruri metallici da utilizzare come anodi ad alta capacità per batterie al litio.

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

batterie litio-ione, idruri, anodi

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/01/2025