Social sciences and humanities, cultural heritage

Research in the Cnr Department of Social Science and Humanities, cultural heritage embraces social sciences as a whole as well as material and immaterial cultural heritage. The activity is focused on four disciplinary macro-areas: cultural studies, law, social sciences, linguistics and cognitive research, that are very different from each other but unified by the common goal of contributing to knowledge, preservation, use of cultural identity and cultural heritage.

Among the main themes: information and communication technology, research evaluation and indicators, e-publishing, smart cities, innovation, creativity for knowledge society economics SME, democracy and laws, analysis of European, national, regional and communal institutions, migrations and transmission of culture, Multilanguage, teaching technologies, communications security, social cohesion and competitiveness patterns, cognitive science, computational linguistics, history of language and lexicography, history of philosophy and science, history of ancient and modern Mediterranean, cultural heritage preservation, archiving, cataloguing and representation, cultural heritage diagnostic, conservation, and restoration, archaeology; archaeometry; cultural heritage valorization.

Download the Department brochure - Department video (italian version). 

"Discovering the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs with deep learning"

Institutional Area

For the Cnr-Ifac Book series, a book exploring the application of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to the field of ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs transliteration. Such tools belong to the broader field known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is probably today the most impacting and disruptive technology we are working on. In the field of ancient languages transliteration and translation, AI applications are just at the beginning, despite they are spreading faster day after day. Which will be the impact of such technology?

‘Labour Migration in the Time of COVID-19: Inequalities and Perspectives for Change’

Institutional Area

Since 2015, the Institute for research in innovation and services for the development of the National Research Council of Italy (Cnr-Iriss) promotes projects on ‘Migration and Development’ with the view of offering innovative tools for sustainable migration. This timely volume, in particular, offers a wide and in-depth analysis of the consequences that migrant workers are facing in these days: as a vulnerable group, they have to cope with an unpredictable and exceptional situation – Covid-19 pandemics – adding elements of weakness to their already fragile state

Underground Built Heritage Valorisation: A Handbook

Institutional area

Edited by Cnr Edizioni, this handbook covers all lectures and research activities developed and presented in the context of the first "Underground4value Training School". The School, a main focal point of the COST Action CA18110 “Underground Built Heritage as catalyser for Community Valorisation” was held in Naples, at the majestic Castel dell’Ovo overlooking the sea. It was a challenging experience that attracted 30 graduate trainees from 12 countries across Europe and Turkey

Liber - Linear B Electronic Resources

Institutional area

The Linear B Electronic Resources (LiBER) project, launched by the National Research Council of Italy, has been conceived and developed by Maurizio Del Freo (Cnr-Ispc) and Francesco Di Filippo (Cnr-ISMed). The final goal of the project is to create a complete digital edition of the Linear B documents and to make it available to all scholars interested in the Mycenaean civilisation together with a new search engine for the processing of logosyllabic scripts and Web-GIS functions for the topographical representation of the documents.Current ly, the database contains all the Linear B documents from Knossos, Mycenae, Tiryns, and Midea

The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche

Institutional Area

The Visual Computing Lab of Cnr-Isti developed an interactive web system to explore the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche, frescoed by Raffaello Sanzio, and other paintings of  Villa Farnesina (Rome). The system allows to immerse in the paintings, examining and discovering -both from an historical, artistic and scientific point of view- the 170 species of the vegetal festoons, and the 50 animal species represented in the vault 

Towards a conscious management of smart working

Institutional Area

How to preserve the delicate balance between private and professional life when work breaks into the home through networked connections? This is a question deeply felt by many smart, or "agile" workers. A question all the more acute today, given the condition of domestic isolation in which these workers find themselves operating due to the spread of the Coronavirus: an opinion by researchers Daniele Demarco and Luisa Errichiello (Cnr-Ismed) 

Elexis, towards a European lexicographic infrastructure 

Institutional area

The Institute for computational linguistics “A. Zampolli” (Cnr-Ilc) is among the partners of Elexis, the european project funded under the programme Horizon 2020 aimed at building a European lexicographic infrastructure. The project aims to harmonize the enormous amount of dictionaries and dictionary data published by European institutions, publishers, universities and communities, and to develop tools which can be used by everyone  

Ibam Archaeological Missions

Institutional Area

The archaeological park of Hierapolis (Turkey) is an area of extraordinary environmental, as well as historical and archaeological interest: the remains of the Hellensitic-Roman and Byzantine city lay within it. Ibam-Cnr is carrying on archaeological studies in this area since 2001

Babylonian Talmud translation project

Institutional area

The goal of the Babylonian Talmud translation project  is the computerized Italian translation of this central text in Jewish culture.  Key element of the project is the innovative computerized system developed by the Cnr's Institute for Computational Linguistics based in Pisa: this system, called Traduco, has been designed specifically for this project to enhance the work of translators, and it's being constantly supported by Cnr's highly experienced researchers of computational linguistics and computer experts

Journal of Cultural Heritage

Institutional area

The Journal of Cultural Heritage (JCH) is a multidisciplinary journal of science and technology for studying problems concerning conservation and awareness of cultural heritage in a wide framework

Cnr-Ismed library repository

Institutional Area

The library catalogie of the Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean of the National research coincil of Italy, is available, with many bibliographic digital resources 

The archaeology of sound of the cultic theatre in a Greek City in Sicily

Institutional Area

The research project STESICHOROS, held by Angela Bellia at Cnr-Ibam, aims to assess and recover the lost intangible heritage of cultic theatre acoustics through the acoustic reconstruction of spaces of the past, establishing establish a new line of research at the crossroads of archaeomusicology, architecture, acoustics, and digital technologies

The virtual museum of Iraq

Institutional area

This virtual museum opens a window on the superbe treasures of antique Mesopotamia, showing in particular the recovered antiquities of Baghdad National Museum. The museum is a result of a scientific-cultural project promoted by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and realised by the National Research Council of Italy