Research project

NAIAD (DTA.AD002.246)

Thematic area

Earth system science and environmental technologies

Project area

Gestione sostenibile ed efficiente delle risorse naturali, degli ecosistemi e della biodiversità (DTA.AD002)

Structure responsible for the research project

Water research institute (IRSA)

Project manager

Phone number: 333 6801863


NAIAD aims to operationalise the insurance value of ecosystems to reduce the human and economic cost of risks associated with water (floods and drought) by developing and testing - with key insurers and municipalities - the concepts, tools, applications and instruments (business models) necessary for its mainstreaming. We will do this in detail for 8 demonstration sites (DEMOs) throughout Europe and develop tools and methods applicable and transferable across all of Europe.
NAIAD´s conceptual frame is based on three pillars:
(i) to help build a resilience approach to risk management through nature based solutions,
(ii) the operationalisation and testing of scientific methods using a source-to-sea in DEMOs,
(iii) the uptake of nature based solutions that are cost-effective and provide environmental, social and economic benefits.
Trans-disciplinarity and stakeholder engagement are at the core of NAIAD. NAIAD will contribute to providing a robust framework for assessing insurance value for ecosystem services by (i) enabling full operationalisation through improved understanding of ecosystem functionality and its insurance value at a broad range of scales in both urban and rural contex

Start date of activity



Adattamento ai Cambiamenti Climatici, Rischi connessi con le risorse idriche, Ecosystem Services

Last update: 14/06/2024