Research project

TIZIANO II Integrazione (BARI) (DTA.AD002.013)

Thematic area

Earth system science and environmental technologies

Project area

Gestione sostenibile ed efficiente delle risorse naturali, degli ecosistemi e della biodiversità (DTA.AD002)

Structure responsible for the research project

Water research institute (IRSA)

Project manager

Phone number: 0805820501


The EU Dir. 2000/60/EC (WFD) implemented in Italy by the D.Lgs.152/06 establishes a framework for Community action for the management of water resources. To achieve this goal, it sets out provisions for groundwater protection and conservation. Dir. 2006/118/EC establishes a framework for Community action in areas of groundwater and has been implemented in Italy with the D.Lgs.30/09, establishing uniform criteria for the characterization of groundwater bodies. To implement the mentioned regulatory framework, the D.Lgs.30/2009-Implementation of Dir. 2006/118/EC and Articles 118 and 120 of D.Lgs.152/06, the Water Protection Services of the Apulia Region charged the CNR-IRSA to characterize the groundwater bodies. In particular the following activities were performed: identification and characterization of groundwater bodies, analysis of the impacts of human activities, assessment of quantitative and chemical status of groundwater bodies, classification of the risk of not achieving environmental objectives, by 2015. This activity aims to integrate the results of the previous study with the definition of environmental objectives and exceptions to their achievement.

Start date of activity



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Last update: 01/06/2024