Research project

Studies on LINX-TrkA interaction in pain and inflammation (DSB.AD004.293)

Thematic area

Biomedical sciences

Project area

Neuroscienze (DSB.AD004)

Structure responsible for the research project

Istituto di Biochimica e Biologia Cellulare (IBBC)

Project manager

Phone number: 06 49976742


Tyrosin Kinase receptors (Trk) and LINX (also known as islr2) are proteins belonging to the leucine-rich repeat (LRR) superfamily which display highly specific and dynamic expression patterns, particularly in the nervous system. Beside their structural relationship, it has been recently found that LINX and TrkA - the specific NGF receptor - are also functionally related. In particular, LINX is expressed in sensory and motor neurons, and interacts with TrkA by modulating its effects on axonal extension, guidance and branching, as well as neuronal survival. Very little is known about the interaction of TrkA and LINX in other tissues, including brain, and whether LINX might affects TrkA activity in pathological conditions. These questions will be addressed by this project by the using anti-LINX antibodies to analyse the distribution of LINX in nervous system and peripheral organs, as well as to evaluate the effects of LINX inhibition on TrkA expression and intracellular pathway activation in vitro and in vivo model of inflammation.

Start date of activity



TrkA, islr2, DRG, inflammation

Last update: 15/06/2024