Research project

Light induced cell control by exogenous organic semiconductors (DFM.AD003.323)

Thematic area

Physical sciences and technologies of matter

Project area

Materiali innovativi (DFM.AD003)

Structure responsible for the research project

Istituto di cibernetica "Edoardo Caianiello" (ISASI)

Project manager

Phone number: 0818675306


The identification of new materials capable to optically regulate cell activity is an extremely hot topic. Organic semiconductors are ideal candidates, since they are inherently sensitive to visible light and highly biocompatible, sustain both ionic and electronic conduction, can be functionalized with biomolecules and drugs. This project aim to develop new devices and materials to control stem cell differentiation and tissue regeneration. As model organism both Hydra vulgaris and cell lines will be used to test biocompatibility and bioactivity of the newly designed organic compounds


The project aims to test the biocompatibility and bioactivity of organic semiconductor materials using an invertebrate animal, the freshwater polyp Hydra vulgaris, presenting unique regenerative potential. Photostimulation of semiconductior material of different shapes and geometries, following internalization in Hydra tissues, will be tested using a variety of approaches, from in vivo behavioural tests, up to cell and molecular biology analyses

Start date of activity



photovoltaic materials, photostimulation, model organism

Last update: 20/05/2024