Progetto di ricerca

SmartMatter - Core integration of novel functional, adaptive materials into a smart, highly sensitive analytical system for point of need environmental applications (DCM.AD004.125)

Area tematica

Scienze chimiche e tecnologie dei materiali

Area progettuale

Chimica verde e processi per la sostenibilità (DCM.AD004)

Struttura responsabile del progetto di ricerca

Istituto per la tecnologia delle membrane (ITM)

Responsabile di progetto

Telefono: +390984492050


SmartMatter proposes novel functional materials featuring magneto-plasmonic properties and validated capability for boosting sensitivity to environmentally relevant analytes. Adaptive 3D-nanoplatforms will enhance the analytic response of (magneto)optical waveguides sensing chips encompassing analyte specific interaction sites. SmartMatter sensors become active, dynamic amplifiers of the target specific reactions that modulate their structure. Nanoparticle/dynameric conjugates are set to play a double role: as framework for optical waveguide and as sites for interaction with the analytes. SmartMatter monitoring and interconnectivity capabilities will support reduction of greenhouse gas emission by providing a flexible network of sentinel sensors. Wider impact is foreseeable for energy field where the novel materials warrants enhanced catalytic power, improved sensitivity, specificity and compatibility with portable formats strengthening European innovation and industrial leadership.
La chiusura del progetto è stata estesa dal 30/05/2023 al 30/09/2023.


The objectives ITM aims at include:
- Design and development of novel (bio)functionalized nanoparticles for highly selective recognition of target analytes
- Design and development of 3D nano-structured frameworks
- Testing/Adjusting/Optimising the selectivity, sensitivity and reliability of (bio)functionalized metamaterials
- Proof of concept testing and in lab validation of the SmartMatter prototype, on selected greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4) and low molecular weight compounds of environmental relevance (model pesticides e.g. paraoxon, glyphosate with phosphotriesterase and peroxydase/laccase to be used as recognition enzymes, as well as phthalates, such as butyl phthalate) Reach TRL3 and TRL4

Data inizio attività


Parole chiave

membrane, nanoparticelle, sensori

Ultimo aggiornamento: 19/04/2024