
Biophysics@Rome "On the path to sustainability''

Dal 19/04/2023 ore 09.00 al 20/04/2023 ore 18.00

Sala convegni
Cnr - Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 Roma

The Tech4bio group is the promoter of Biophysics@Rome, a biennial symposium held with the patronage of Sibpa (Italian Society of Pure and Applied Biophysics), and Sipmel (Società italiana di patologia clinica e dedicina di laboratorio) that brings together scientists interested in the fields of biophysics and technologies for biology and medicine. These periodic conferences aim to foster the creation of a fertile ground for the emergence of “interdisciplinary people”, putting together skills and expertise coming from different intersecting fields.

We are now pleased to announce the fifth edition of the Biophysics@Rome Conference, which will be held on April 19th -20th, 2023, in Rome. The aim of this edition, even if open to any contribution, is to provide a particular focus on the possible impact of biophysics toward a sustainable world. Session will cover different aspects of biophysics and biotechnologies ranging from molecular and cellular studies of fundamental biological processes to applications in environmental monitoring, tissue engineering, biomaterials, biosensors, and innovative devices in the therapeutic and diagnostic fields.

Organizzato da:
Tech4bio Group

Referente organizzativo:
Mario Ledda
Cnr-Istituto di farmacologia traslazionale
Via Fosso del Cavaliere,100

Modalità di accesso: ingresso libero

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