Promozione dello sviluppo sostenibile e protezione dei paesaggi culturali attraverso tecnologie innovative e azioni integrate sul territorio
- Responsabili di progetto
- Paolo Mauriello, Tatjana Koprivica
- Accordo
- MONTENEGRO - MoS-not in force - Ministero della Scienza del Montenegro
- Bando
- CNR-MoS 2017-2018
- Dipartimento
- Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale
- Area tematica
- Scienze umane e sociali, patrimonio culturale
- Stato del progetto
- Nuovo
Proposta di ricerca
The project intends to approach the Montenegrin cultural heritage from a multidisciplinary point a view, taking advantage of the competences and expertise of researchers of the involved Institutions.
The Historical Institute of Montenegro (HIM), of the University of Podgorica is the major historical Institution of Montenegro, with researchers specialized in the history and cultural heritage of the Balkan Region, with a particular interest in the historical relations with the Italian peninsula from antiquity to modern times.
The Institute for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage (ITABC) of the National Research Council of Italy is a leader centre for research and application of new technologies to cultural heritage. ITABC researchers have expertise in archaeology, architecture, conservation, Remote Sensing, applied geophysics, archaeometry, virtual restitution of ancient sites and landscapes.
HIM and ITABC have already started to collaborate, after the signing last April of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two Institutes and Ministry of Culture of Montenegro. This bilateral project can be a unique opportunity to start working together in an integrate form, combining the so-called human sciences with the hard sciences, in order to study, restore, valorise and promote Montenegrin ancient cultural heritage.
In particular the southern area of Montenegro, less interested by cultural tourism and promotion (including the area of the historical Orthodox monasteries of the Scutari lake, Ulcjni on the coast, with the medieval town and the historical "saltworks", and in between the site of Svac, a medieval town destructed at the end of the XV century and never reoccupied) can represent a fruitful and interesting open laboratory for future activities. Not singles sites but the territory in its complexity is the object of this bilateral project, with the aim to making territories more attractive and visited.
Through a sustainable and responsible approach focused on cultural tourism, we intend to approach together with the Montenegrin team the entire territory in all its naturalistic, cultural and historical aspects, with a special attention also to traditional craftsmanship and food production.
Hopefully this bilateral project will be only the starting point of a more durable collaboration, through the participation to national and international calls. In a very long-term perspective, therefore, the activities we intend to realize are:
1. Documentation, studies and analysis of the territory in all its historical aspects from antiquity to modern times
2. Application of technologies to the cultural heritage: applied geophysics, application of Remote Sensing technology (air photo, satellite image and drone) and image interpretation, 3D survey of sites and monuments, spatial analysis and GIS
3. Analysis of the built cultural heritage, with activities of restoration and valorisation
4. Basi for virtual reconstructions of specific aspects able to help the fruition of historical sites and museums
5. Construction of a cultural itinerary in which, in innovative ways, all the naturalistic, cultural, historical and anthropological aspects of the area are linked in order to promote the cultural tourism through the creation of an open-air Eco-museum.
The bilateral project will offer the possibility to discuss the preliminary aspects of this schedule.
In particular, researchers of the Humanities of both ITABC and HIM (Lucia Alberti ISMA, Slavko Burzanovic HIM, Francesca Colosi ITABC, Tatjana Koprivica HIM, Ivan Lakovic HIM, Olga Pelcer Vujacic HIM) will study the archaeological and historical aspects of the territory, with a special attention to the landscapes of Montenegro before and after the Roman conquest, the Christian and medieval cultural heritage and the more recent expression of the Montenegro-Italy political and historical relationships until the XX century.
The ITABC researchers more involved in applied technologies to cultural heritage, as architects, geophysics, spatial analysis experts, will work on the analysis at different scale of landscapes, sites and monuments by using, in integrated ways, new survey procedures.
Pasquale Merola, spatial analysis expert, will try to identify anthropic structures from Remote Sensing data, in order to reconstruct, without archaeological excavations, the presence of sites, ancients structures and roads, in order to analyse the environmental and cultural evolution of the region during the centuries.
Architects Elena Gigliarelli and Luciano Cessari will apply integrated models to record monuments and sites in order to develop innovative procedures and guidelines for more reliable maintenance, quick restoration and long-term conservation. Exploitation strategies will be studied to organize natural and cultural assets in an Eco-museum oriented to a sustainable tourism.
The project aims to exchange and transfer experiences and knowhow and to support the knowledge and the management of cultural and natural heritage in the areas of cooperation.
In conclusion, our main goal is to approach the theme of the Montenegrin cultural heritage going beyond the conventional representation systems (historical vs. technological, real vs. virtual), but constructing an integrated system in which the real and concrete fruition of knowledge is transformed in opportunities for the cultural, social and economic development of marginal areas. In this sense, it will be advantageous to involve also the stakeholders of the area and other local public institutions.
In order to promote the innovation, development, technological transfer and enhancement of sites and landscapes with special relevance for the culture and identity of the Montenegrin communities, the planning of an eco-museum, in which not only monuments and ancient artefacts are involved, but also anthropological aspects as emotions and feelings of human beings, is our last goal in a long-term perspective.
Obiettivi della ricerca
The main objective of this project is to study, enhance and promote the cultural heritage of the southern area of Montenegro in order to give the territory greater visibility and to make it more attractive to tourists. For this purpose we intend to analyse the territory in all its naturalistic, cultural and historical aspects with a multidisciplinary and integrated approach.
Therefore the bilateral research team aims to:
To study the Montenegrin territory from antiquity to modern time by combining the historical-archaeological investigations with remote sensing data and geophysical prospection.
To create a dedicated GIS and thematic maps of archaeological prediction and risk management.
To analyse the built cultural heritage and to create a digital atlas of its physical configuration, condition and use.
To draft a project for the realization of an Eco-museum and a cultural open-air itinerary.
To design a pilot project for the fruition and exploitation of the medieval site of Svac.
To present the research's results with a bilateral workshop and whit a digital or printed publication.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 19/02/2025