Institute of Atmospheric pollution Research (IIA)


Services Provided

Instrument Calibration

The Institute offers calibration of instruments and equipment for sampling and measuring air pollutant emissions in ambient atmospheres for gaseous and particulate components. For equipment installed at a particular location, calibration can be done on-site.

Certification of Gas Mixtures

The Institute certifies gas mixtures by comparing primary and secondary standards. This certification refers to gaseous pollutant compounds, but for particulates, the standard is gravimetric. We can also certify cylinders used for transferring standards. Where it is possible, we can prepare gaseous mixtures using permeation systems (for hydrochloric acid and ammonia) or by using appropriate chemical reactions (for nitric acid and nitrous).

Pollutant Assessment

The Institute is able to measure ambient air for particulate or gaseous pollutant levels. We can collect high spatial-density measurements using passive samplers, and conduct organic and inorganic analysis. The substances measured include: Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, PM10 and PM2.5 particulates, Benzene, Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Heavy Metals, Mercury, Dioxins, and Hydrocarbons. We can also measure pollutants from vehicular traffic, including Ozone and other precursor compounds (VOCs).

Accredited Laboratories

The Institute's laboratories have been accredited according to ISO 17025, for air quality measurements in public and private laboratories.

Network Design

At the Institute we can design and certify air quality monitoring networks and draft technical specifications and tests. We also analyze costs of investment and costs of management. We design networks according to the rules of Directive 96/62. In addition, we can design comprehensive networks in developing countries using detection systems and other techniques.

Emission Certification

The Institute offers certification of industry pollutant emission levels, particularly as outlined in the IPPC Directive. We also offer certification of abatement equipment and instrumentation used for the continuous monitoring of industrial plant emissions.

Indoor Air Measurement

The Institute is able to evaluate gaseous and particulate pollution in the workplace and in living environments (indoor pollution). To do so, we use personal and passive samplers, to ensure the safety of workers in industries and services.

Environmental Impact Assessment

At the Institute we conduct environmental impact assessment for industries and point-of-emission assessment of air pollutants emitted by these industries. We can analyze particular localities, and assess air quality before and after installation. We also offer assessment of pollutant deposition and biogeochemical metal cycling.

Motor Vehicle Assessment

The Institute conducts technical automotive testing, analysis, and certification of new fuels. We analyze catalyst function, particulate traps, and other devices that limit emissions and reduce pollution from traffic.

Testing and Analysis in Polar Environments

The Institute tests technical devices and equipment in polar environments during both summer and winter. We offer logistical support for polar research at the CNR's "Italian Airship" Artic Base in Ny Alesund, on the Svalbard Islands.

Remote Sensing by Satellite

At the Institute we offer maps for land use, for vegetation analysis, and for snowfield structure. We can also use remote sensing by satellite to investigate characteristics of coasts, Geo-referencing, GIS systems, and observation of urban areas.

Remote Sensing by Plane

The Institute uses the 102-Channel Daedalus MIVIS remote-sensing spectrometer to conduct geometric calibrations and corrections of atmospheric data. We offer Mosaic analysis of environment-themed issues: for vegetation, asbestos roofs, urban areas, water resources, illegal waste disposal, water-saturated soils, coasts, lakes, algae, and illegal discharges of pollutants. We conduct environmental impact assessments and monitor changing coastlines.

Big Data & Open Data Management

The institute offers several downstream services for Big Data management and interoperability through its brokering data service that is widely adopted by the EU and international scientific community i.e., ISPRA, AfroMaison, WMO Korean GISC, NSIDC ADE.

Chemical Analysis

The Institute can analyze samples for metals, organic compounds, cations, and anions.