
Crime and Global Justice. The Dynamics of International Punishment

A new criminal justice system has re-emerged in the last quarter of a century: national judges have become increasingly bold in prosecuting crimes committed elsewhere, the United Nations has set up specific international tribunals and a large number of states have even instituted the permanent International Criminal Court. What is the effect of these ambitious transformations? Are we facing a new global justice or the will of the most powerful players to process their enemies? Through the ...

DEA - Donne e Audiovisivo

Nel settore audiovisivo le disuguaglianze sono evidenti, come emerge da tempo in alcune ricerche pilota (EWA): - L'88% dei film a finanziamento pubblico italiano sono diretti da uomini. Solo nel 12% dei casi si registra una regia femminile. - Il 79% dei film prodotti dalla Rai è stato diretto da uomini. Sono quindi solo il 21% i film prodotti dalla Rai con una regista . - Il 90.8% dei film che arrivano alle sale cinematografiche è diretto da uomini. Meno del 10% (9,2%) sono i film diretti da ...

Claiming Citizenship Rights in Europe. Emerging Challenges and Political Agents

How can the European Union protect the rights of its citizens? This book, funded by the European Commission, Directorate-General Justice, presents some case studies in which social groups, ethnic minorities and avant-garde have used the European legal instruments to assert their claims. This has often allowed to widen the sphere of rights in member countries, showing that, even without having coercive instruments, EU legal instruments can contribute to achieving progressive outcomes. The ...

ILIESI Newsletter n. 2

LA NEWSLETTER DELL'ILIESI - n. 2 dicembre 2017 Iniziative, attività e progetti Una convenzione innovativa tra ILIESI e Dipartimento di Filosofia dell'Università Sapienza; Importante accordo con l'editore De Gruyter per la pubblicazione della rivista "Elenchos"; "Logos". A cinquecento anni dalla Riforma protestante; Progetto PON "Beni e Patrimonio Culturale: governare la progettazione"; Migration Studies. Progetto FAMI 2014-2020; Torno Subito 2017; Amalfi. Studiosi a convegno per una nuova ...

Migrations and integrations in Italy

Most of the Institute's researchers and associates, also benefiting from the collaboration of colleagues from other organizations that have been working with us for a long time, contributed to the book. It gathers a total of 27 essays on various aspects of the changing aspects of internal and international mobility, one of the social phenomena of utmost importance and on which the Institute has developed ample expertise that enables it to study this phenomenon from various points of view and ...

The Rights of Persons with Disabilities: the UN Convention and implementing Practice at international, European and national levels

In the framework of the ISGI Project "Multilevel protection of human rights between international law, European law and domestic legal order", the volume The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. A Commentary edited by V. Della Fina, R. Cera, G. Palmisano, Springer, pp. XXXII- 765, ISBN 978-3-319-43788-0, also in the e-book version ISBN 978-3-319-43790-3, has been published (see ). The book is the main scientific ...

Diagnostics on Italian paintings preserved at the North Carolina Museum of Art, Releigh-USA

The research team of ICVBC together with Gwenelle Kavich (Smithsonian Institution MCI), Adele de Cruz (Department of Biology and Chemistry, Duke University), Bill Brown (North Carolina Museum of Art), Nick Barbi (XGLab) is disclosing the secrets of Italian masters' paintings at North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh-USA, by using several mobile instruments included the new XRF by XGLab. The North Carolina Museum of Art houses a permanent collection of Italian paintings from the fourteenth to ...

Diagnostic for the study of alloys and precious metals: consultations for the study of objects of ancient and modern jewelery

The Institute for Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage (ICBVBC - CNR) offers advice for the study of objects of ancient and modern jewelery, by means of multianalytical and non-invasive techniques. The elemental analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), for example, is able to provide compositional information of constituent material of the object, characterizing the alloy and executive technique. The technique is based on the registration of the characteristic fluorescence emitted by ...

Precious art analysed without damage using new laser technique.

Precious works of art in need of preservation or authentication could in future be studied using a new laser technique, developed by a collaboration of UK and Italian scientists, that can analyse layers of paint without causing any damage to the object itself. This new technique will be of real benefit to curators of cultural heritage who need to preserve and authenticate precious works of art without harming them. UK and Italian scientists have, for the first time, tested this laser technique ...

Percorsi tra le storie di Cogoleto

ICVBC-CNR é partner del progetto "Percorsi tra le storie di Cogoleto", vincitore del bando "In ITINER@" finanziato dalla Compagnia di San Paolo di Torino. Le iniziative proposte hanno finalità nell'ambito turistico in particolare per la valorizzazione dell'offerta culturale con la creazione di un percorso tra le peculiarità storico-artistiche del territorio. Nell'ambito del progetto si prospetta un intervento all'interno della chiesa di S. Maria Addolorata dell'Ex-Ospedale Psichiatrico di ...

Italy-China project about UNESCO Recommendation concerning the "Historic Urban Landscape"

The project born from a Protocollo d'Intesa (MoU) signed in 2013 between the Institute for Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage of the National Research Council (CNR-ICVBC) and the World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (WHITRAP-UNESCO) on the implementation of the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the "Paesaggio Storico Urbano - Historic Urban Landscape - HUL" and it focuses on the future of small historic ...

Understanding of materials used in historical, architectural and archaeological artefacts

Until a few years ago, the study of the constituent materials of historical, architectural and archaeological heritage items was mainly focused on diagnostics for conservation purposes, based on the theory of restoration promoted by Cesare Brandi according to which knowledge of materials is necessary for their effective conservation. Recently, complex, multilevel systems of knowledge have been developed; useful to tourists and experts alike, they are designed to enhance the overall understanding ...

Technologies and tools for the diagnosis and conservation of Cultural Heritage.Diagnosis, products and procedures for the conservation of built heritage

The conservation of built heritage requires detailed knowledge of the characteristics of its constituent materials and their state of conservation, making it possible to identify risk factors and conditions as well as the need for specific measures. On the basis of this knowledge the most effective intervention strategies and the most suitable conservation solutions can be selected. Over the years, IBAM, in its own diagnostic and conservation laboratories, has studied the causes and mechanisms ...

Archaeometry of materials

The characterization of materials in the Cultural Heritage field cannot always be carried out by means of traditional chemical and mineralogical analysis, because the necessary removal of material could irreversibly damage the object of study. For more than ten years, the IBAM has been pursuing the development of innovative analytical techniques. In 2001, at the IBAM office of Catania, the LANDIS was created (Non-Destructive Analysis Laboratory) with the aim of establishing new devices and ...

Material culture and society: processes of recognition, analysis and interpretation.Roman archaeology and material culture: directions and prospects

The study of Roman archaeology today, in the international research context, reflects demands which appear strictly related to the aspect of archaeology under investigation, whether it is a specific class of artefacts, a region, an urban or rural environment, or even political, social and ideological movements which find their concrete expression in the material traces of the society being examined. The category of pottery represents a particular case in point, inasmuch as the significant amount ...

Material culture and society: processes of recognition, analysis and interpretation. The many directions of Mediterranean Prehistory: voices and visions of the last ten years

Scholars interested in Mediterranean prehistory share two expectations about the issue of Past: firstly that the accessible meanings reside not only in textual sources, and secondly that the study of world prehistory has acquired a privileged position in the current status of theoretical and methodological debates, adapting a wide range of scientific techniques to the resolution of cultural questions. It follows that in some important aspects, although the past must have changed through time, it ...

Practical and legal issues in Preventive Archaeology

All over Italy the requirements of economic development are rapidly destroying many archaeological sites - the character of this destructive activity and the solutions adopted vary among different countries. The studies conducted by ANTAR ES-LAB (ANcient Topography, Archaeology and REmote Sensing - LABoratory) and the Geophysics for Archaeology Laboratory of IBAM cover the institutional and legislative background, provide statistical data and information on each field activity of preventive ...

Geophysics for archaeology

Geophysical survey refers to multiple techniques that measure variation in near-surface physical properties of the ground, such as magnetic properties, electromagnetic conductivity, electrical resistivity, induced polarization, self potentials, relative dielectric constant and ground density. Buried features, like stone or brick foundations; variation in sedimentary structure and ground moisture, such as in archaeological deposits, trenches, mounds, and burial vaults; and other subsurface ...

Geological and Geomorphological risks and Cultural Heritage protection

The Mediterranean area and particularly Italy, possesses an extraordinary material and immaterial Cultural Heritage of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV, as defined by ICOMOS) that must be protected and preserved, with particular emphasis on monuments, such as historic buildings (churches, castles, palaces, historic town centres, archaeological sites) which represent the historical memory of phases of settlement in different geographical contexts. Over the last 20 years there has been a growing ...

Airborne and spaceborne remote sensing for archaeology

Since its foundation the IBAM has been very active in the application of airborne and spaceborne earth observation technologies in Archaeology. Two laboratories, one in Lecce and the second in Potenza, focus on aerial archaeology and the development and validation of image processing algorithms for archaeological applications, respectively. The research is developed in cooperation with Laboratory of Ancient Topography and Photogrammetry of the University of Salento and the Laboratory of Remote ...

Ancient topography research and digital archaeological maps

Many of the research activities that IBAM carry out in the field of archaeology assume that the priority and most urgent problem is undoubtedly the recognition and the evaluation of Cultural Heritage. It is a necessity of primary importance both for studies directed towards historical and archaeological reconstruction and, especially, to enable appropriate policies to be put in place for the protection, monitoring and management, which are essential for the conservation and enhancement of value ...

Economia del tessile sostenibile: la lana italiana

In un mondo sempre più globalizzato, gli abiti sono il frutto di un lungo processo produttivo dove origine delle materie prime, luoghi di lavorazione e consumo diventano più lontani tra loro. Così le scelte delle imprese e dei consumatori hanno ricadute economiche, ambientali, sociali ed etiche sempre più complesse e difficili da controllare da parte del singolo attore socioeconomico. In questo panorama, sta lentamente avvenendo quanto si è già verificato per il cibo: si fa strada una ...

Costruire ponti. Daniel Ernst Jablonski nell'Europa del primo Illuminismo

Tra le iniziative legate alle celebrazioni per il trecentenario della morte del filosofo tedesco Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) è stata organizzata la mostra 'Brückenschläge - Daniel Ernst Jablonski im Europa der Frühaufklärung'. La mostra descrive, mediante una serie di pannelli, l'importante contributo offerto dal suo corrispondente Daniel Ernst Jablonski (1660-1741) al dibattito religioso e politico del Settecento. La figura di Jablonski infatti contribuisce alla ricostruzione ...


The effectiveness, efficiency and quality of judicial systems are cornerstones of democracy and they are of paramount importance for the economic competitiveness of every country, as recently also emphasized by the "EU Justice Agenda for 2020" of the European Commission. Therefore, there is an increasing demand for "research capacity" to improve functioning and performance of justice systems, with a specific interest in efficiency, length of proceedings, quality of decisions, court management, ...

Technologies and tools for understanding, documentation and communication of Cultural Heritage.Virtual scenarios and cognitive metaphors for cultural tourism and scientific communication

Every hypothetical reconstruction that can serve as a vehicle of information - not only on what can be viewed directly, but also and especially on those elements that are difficult to read or decipher - is consistent with the principles expressed in the restoration charters. The highlighting of educational value of ruins and making them comprehensible are, as we have seen, objectives common to both restoration and virtual archaeology. Based mainly on digital technology, the latter resolves the ...

Energy, natural and built environment: the architectural heritage between past and present and future energy challenges

The EC Action Plan for Energy Efficiency and the Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings identifies energy efficiency in the building sector as a top priority. In order to achieve its ambitious goals, the new perspective introduced by the Directive requires action not only by imposing limits on energy consumption in new buildings, but also dealing with a significant acceleration in improving the energy performance of existing buildings, including historical ones. Given the ...

On-site non invasive diagnostics and monitoring for the study, conservation and restoration of historical built heritage

Non-invasive monitoring of historical buildings is an important tool for the safeguard of the Cultural Heritage. In particular, thanks to geophysical techniques based on the propagation of electromagnetic or acoustical waves, or based on the redistribution of applied electrical currents, it is possible within certain limits to retrieve the internal conformation of the probed structures. This approach, in addition to allowing an archaeological analysis of the construction technique of the ...

Towards an Oriental Hegemony? A comparison between China and India

It is already two decades that there is an evident re-distribution of economic power among the Triad (North America, Europe and Japan) and new emerging economies. Trends in the international trade and FDI show how economic activities in the Triad are threatened by countries such as China and India. Both nations have huge population and they are more and more crucial economic partners in the new and multi-polar world economy. To which extent the economic activities of these two emerging areas are ...

SEGNO E PAROLA Carlo Lorenzetti e il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo

Segno e parola is the title of the exhibition organized by the Istituto per il Lessico Intellettuale Europeo e Storia delle Idee (ILIESI) of the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, to celebrate its 50 years of research activities.  The event has been organized in collaboration with the Istituto Centrale per la Grafica in Rome and it is dedicated to the works of Carlo Lorenzetti, sculptor and engraver. Since the mid-eighties, the art of Carlo Lorenzetti has been associated with the most ...

Laura Ambrosini - Vincent Jolivet (sous la direction de), Les potiers d'Étrurie et leur monde : contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. Del Chiaro, Paris 2014

Presentazione del libro Laura Ambrosini - Vincent Jolivet (sous la direction de), Les potiers d'Étrurie et leur monde : contacts, échanges, transferts. Hommages à Mario A. Del Chiaro, Paris 2014, che si svolgerà a Roma, giovedi 5 giugno alle ore 16 presso l'Aula Marconi del CNR, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7.