DUST 2023 - 5th International conference on atmospheric dust
Dal 22/05/2023 ore 09.00 al 25/05/2023 ore 18.00
Villa Romanazzi Carducci Via Giuseppe Capruzzi, 326, 70124 Bari (ITALY)
(It is located at 900 m from the railway central station (Stazione Centrale) and at 400 m from the Metro station).
The Italian Association on the Clay - APS, in cooperation with the Institute of methodologies for environmental analysis (Cnr-Imaa), is organizing the International Conference on Atmospheric Dust, DUST 2023.
DUST 2023 offers a unique opportunity for mineralogists, physicists, geochemists, engineering, volcanologists, chemists and for many other specialists to share ideas and knowledge on the boundless world of the atmospheric particles. The conference is based on, but not limited to, the following topics:
- Impact on Health & Environment
- Instrumentations & Measurements
- Modeling & Field Studies
- Transport & Deposition
- The Universe of Atmospheric Dust
The 26 scientific sessions already approved are focusing on sampling methods, analytical techniques, effects of anthropogenic or natural dust on health and the environment.
Organizzato da:
Associazione Italiana Sulle Argille APS
Istituto di metodologie per l'analisi ambientale (Cnr-Imaa)
Referente organizzativo:
Saverio Fiore
CNR Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale (IMAA)
C.da S. Loja 85050 Tito Scalo
Modalità di accesso: registrazione / accredito
Conference fees on website
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