Research project

SKANT _ Antenna of SKA1-Low: Improvement of the SKALA4.1- AL solution and EM characterization of the LFAA demonstrators by using a UAV-based System (DIT.AD001.129)

Thematic area

Engineering, ICT and technologies for energy and transportation

Project area

Dispositivi e Sistemi ICT (DIT.AD001)

Structure responsible for the research project

Institute of Electronics, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (IEIIT)

Project manager

Phone number: 0110905417


The UAV-based antenna measurement and verification system has been already used on both small aperture array prototypes and the LOFAR radio telescope. Recently, a measurement campaign has been carried out at one of the Square Kilometer Array -Low-Frequrency Aperture Array stations in the Murchison desert, Australia. Further developments are required, both in terms of the UAV platform (to improve the overall operability and measurement speed) and the data processing techniques (RF element position measurement, automatic radiation pattern extraction from acquired signals, subarray calibration propagation and near-field to far-field transformations). All these developments are subject of the present research proposal.


- Completamento analisi dati relativi alla caratterizzazione EM delle antenne del sistema HBA di LOFAR
- Supporto al miglioramento delle prestazioni EM dell'antenna SKALA4.1-AL e successiva analisi ed ottimizzazione delle performance di stazione
- Campagna di misura con UAV in Australia per caratterizzare le prestazioni EM (array e embedded pattern) di AAVS2 e di altri dimostratori tecnologi presenti al sito di SKA1-LOW. Attività preparatoria comprensiva di voli sperimentali ed elaborazione dati da svolgersi a Torino.

Start date of activity



antenna SKA LOW, UAV based antenna

Last update: 20/05/2024